April 10, 2020
Dear RALC Members,
We hope you are staying safe and well during this unprecedented time. Like so many others, we find ourselves having to adjust plans for the year and trying to find the best ways to move forward in our work.
As a board, we have decided to postpone all events that had been scheduled for the remainder of the school year. If we are able to reschedule at a later date and/or provide online opportunities, we will notify membership. It is with a very heavy heart, that we have also decided to cancel this year's Student Publishing Project. We will hold all submitted writing pieces and plan to include them in next year's publication.
Many organizations have provided online resources for educators during this time. Here are just a few to share -
If you have questions or suggestions for our organization, please don't hesitate to reach out via email - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org.
Take care,
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020, Rochester Area Literacy Council
Dear RALC Members,
We hope you are staying safe and well during this unprecedented time. Like so many others, we find ourselves having to adjust plans for the year and trying to find the best ways to move forward in our work.
As a board, we have decided to postpone all events that had been scheduled for the remainder of the school year. If we are able to reschedule at a later date and/or provide online opportunities, we will notify membership. It is with a very heavy heart, that we have also decided to cancel this year's Student Publishing Project. We will hold all submitted writing pieces and plan to include them in next year's publication.
Many organizations have provided online resources for educators during this time. Here are just a few to share -
- ILA - https://literacyworldwide.org/blog/literacy-daily/2020/03/16/engaging-learning-through-disruptions
- NYSRA - https://www.nysreading.org/DistanceLearningResources
- NYSED - http://www.nysed.gov/edtech/continuity-learning
If you have questions or suggestions for our organization, please don't hesitate to reach out via email - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org.
Take care,
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020, Rochester Area Literacy Council
December 20, 2019
Dear RALC Members,
We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season with plenty of time to enjoy friends and family.
Here are the upcoming events and FYIs:
Barnes and Noble Fundraiser - A HUGE thank you to all of the volunteers who spent time at our gift wrapping and/information table at the Pittsford Barnes and Noble on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The monies raised at this event will be used to support our student publishing project.
February Live Local Literacy event - Our next event will be Live Local Literacy on February 8, 2020 from 9:00 am - noon at French Road Elementary School. We will be finalizing our presentation offerings over the holiday break and a flyer will be sent out the first week in January. We are so grateful to all the local educators who are planning to present. The presentation topics are diverse and engaging and the price is right too (free for members and $10 for non-members). Stay tuned for more information in the new year!
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published! All the details around this project are posted on our website - timeline, rubrics, entry form, etc.
Member Spotlight - Thank you Elizabeth Fossum for joining our December Board Meeting. Meetings are open to our members and we welcome any and all of you to join us. Meeting dates are posted on the calendar on our website. Elizabeth was an active participant in our meeting and had great ideas to share.
We encourage you to reach out to us at any time with questions and/or suggestions and ideas for our members. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org -to get the latest updates and information.
Take care,
Christine Treasure
Dear RALC Members,
We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season with plenty of time to enjoy friends and family.
Here are the upcoming events and FYIs:
Barnes and Noble Fundraiser - A HUGE thank you to all of the volunteers who spent time at our gift wrapping and/information table at the Pittsford Barnes and Noble on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The monies raised at this event will be used to support our student publishing project.
February Live Local Literacy event - Our next event will be Live Local Literacy on February 8, 2020 from 9:00 am - noon at French Road Elementary School. We will be finalizing our presentation offerings over the holiday break and a flyer will be sent out the first week in January. We are so grateful to all the local educators who are planning to present. The presentation topics are diverse and engaging and the price is right too (free for members and $10 for non-members). Stay tuned for more information in the new year!
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published! All the details around this project are posted on our website - timeline, rubrics, entry form, etc.
Member Spotlight - Thank you Elizabeth Fossum for joining our December Board Meeting. Meetings are open to our members and we welcome any and all of you to join us. Meeting dates are posted on the calendar on our website. Elizabeth was an active participant in our meeting and had great ideas to share.
We encourage you to reach out to us at any time with questions and/or suggestions and ideas for our members. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org -to get the latest updates and information.
Take care,
Christine Treasure
November 14, 2019
Dear RALC Members,
We hope you are staying warm and navigating the early arrival of snow! Although we had to cancel Peter Johnston's event this month due to low enrollment, we continue to discuss and plan for ways to provide our members with meaningful opportunities to learn, grow and network with other literacy professionals.
Here are the upcoming events and FYIs:
Barnes and Noble Fundraiser - This is becoming an annual event for us. Please join us on Saturday, November 30th from 10:00 am-4:00 pm at the Barnes and Noble in Pittsford. You can either volunteer your time by reading picture books in the children's section, wrapping presents, sharing information about RALC and/or handing out small prizes at our prize table OR you can stop in to shop and some of the proceeds of your purchase with go to RALC. If you'd like to sign up to volunteer your time, click here - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040d4aa5a722aafd0-barnes
Call for Proposals for our February Live Local Literacy event - Our next event will be Live Local Literacy on February 8, 2020 from 9:00 am - noon at French Road Elementary School. We are looking for presenters for this event now. If you are interested in presenting, please complete the attached Call for Proposals form and return it to Christine Treasure, RALC president (details are on the form). We are open to all presentation ideas; however we are looking specifically for presenters on the following topics as these were topics of interest shared with us at the October members event:
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published! All the details around this project are posted on our website - timeline, rubrics, entry form, etc.
NYSRA Conference - Empowering Striving Readers, November 14-16, Albany, NY - This year's New York State Reading Association conference is right around the corner. If you attend the conference, check out our RALC Silent Auction Basket of local jams and jellies. Thank you, Jan Marchetti, for preparing such a tasty and beautifully arranged basket representing our group. See the attached flyer with details or go to the conference webpage at https://www.nysraconference2019.org/.
Membership: Please encourage your colleagues to join our organization as well. Membership forms can be found on our website - https://www.rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org/.
We encourage you to reach out to us at any time with questions and/or suggestions and ideas for our members. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org -to get the latest updates and information.
Take care,
Christine Treasure
Dear RALC Members,
We hope you are staying warm and navigating the early arrival of snow! Although we had to cancel Peter Johnston's event this month due to low enrollment, we continue to discuss and plan for ways to provide our members with meaningful opportunities to learn, grow and network with other literacy professionals.
Here are the upcoming events and FYIs:
Barnes and Noble Fundraiser - This is becoming an annual event for us. Please join us on Saturday, November 30th from 10:00 am-4:00 pm at the Barnes and Noble in Pittsford. You can either volunteer your time by reading picture books in the children's section, wrapping presents, sharing information about RALC and/or handing out small prizes at our prize table OR you can stop in to shop and some of the proceeds of your purchase with go to RALC. If you'd like to sign up to volunteer your time, click here - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040d4aa5a722aafd0-barnes
Call for Proposals for our February Live Local Literacy event - Our next event will be Live Local Literacy on February 8, 2020 from 9:00 am - noon at French Road Elementary School. We are looking for presenters for this event now. If you are interested in presenting, please complete the attached Call for Proposals form and return it to Christine Treasure, RALC president (details are on the form). We are open to all presentation ideas; however we are looking specifically for presenters on the following topics as these were topics of interest shared with us at the October members event:
- Addressing the reading wars
- Creating a culture of readers among staff
- Diversity in literature
- Engagement and reluctant readers
- Literacy coaching
- Helping below grade level readers
- Effective literacy interventions
- Engaging male students in books
- Reading data
- Reading strategies
- Creating a school-wide culture of reading
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published! All the details around this project are posted on our website - timeline, rubrics, entry form, etc.
NYSRA Conference - Empowering Striving Readers, November 14-16, Albany, NY - This year's New York State Reading Association conference is right around the corner. If you attend the conference, check out our RALC Silent Auction Basket of local jams and jellies. Thank you, Jan Marchetti, for preparing such a tasty and beautifully arranged basket representing our group. See the attached flyer with details or go to the conference webpage at https://www.nysraconference2019.org/.
Membership: Please encourage your colleagues to join our organization as well. Membership forms can be found on our website - https://www.rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org/.
We encourage you to reach out to us at any time with questions and/or suggestions and ideas for our members. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org -to get the latest updates and information.
Take care,
Christine Treasure
October 18, 2019
Dear RALC Members,Happy Fall! As the leaves change and the weather cools, we remain busy in the world of literacy learning. Here are our monthly updates:
Membership: Thank you to all of you for renewing your 2019-2020 membership. Your renewed RALC membership will extend from the current date until June 30, 2020. Please encourage your colleagues to join our organization as well. Membership forms can be found on our website - https://www.rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org/.
October Event - Members' Event: We had an amazing time last week with members and their guests at Nox, a bar/restaurant in the Village Gate. Cindy Schwind, a district interventionist in the Greece School District, shared several best book selections and strategies to engage students. There were many fun raffles and opportunities to network with other area educators. We are excited about our member events and will be planning another one soon.
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published! All the details around this project are posted on our website - timeline, rubrics, entry form, etc.
November Event - Intellectually Engaged, Socially and Emotionally Healthy Literate Learning Communities with Peter Johnston: Dr. Johnston has published numerous articles in professional journals and is well known for his book: Choice Words: How Our Language Affects Children's Learning and most recently: Opening Minds: Using Language to Change Lives. Born and raised in New Zealand, Dr. Johnston brought his gifted mind to Albany where he has received numerous awards for his work in literacy and where he collaborated with Dr. Richard Allington, publishing articles and books. Attached is the registration flyer (3 hrs. of CTLE credit awarded). Join us on November 7th from 4:30-7:30 pm at St John Fisher!
NYSRA Conference - Empowering Striving Readers, November 14-16, Albany, NY - This year's New York State Reading Association conference is right around the corner. See the attached flyer with details or go to the conference webpage at https://www.nysraconference2019.org/.
We encourage you to share any and all of this information with colleagues and invite your peers to consider becoming a member of our organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can email us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org.We hope to see you at the November event!
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020
Rochester Area Literacy Council
Dear RALC Members,Happy Fall! As the leaves change and the weather cools, we remain busy in the world of literacy learning. Here are our monthly updates:
Membership: Thank you to all of you for renewing your 2019-2020 membership. Your renewed RALC membership will extend from the current date until June 30, 2020. Please encourage your colleagues to join our organization as well. Membership forms can be found on our website - https://www.rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org/.
October Event - Members' Event: We had an amazing time last week with members and their guests at Nox, a bar/restaurant in the Village Gate. Cindy Schwind, a district interventionist in the Greece School District, shared several best book selections and strategies to engage students. There were many fun raffles and opportunities to network with other area educators. We are excited about our member events and will be planning another one soon.
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published! All the details around this project are posted on our website - timeline, rubrics, entry form, etc.
November Event - Intellectually Engaged, Socially and Emotionally Healthy Literate Learning Communities with Peter Johnston: Dr. Johnston has published numerous articles in professional journals and is well known for his book: Choice Words: How Our Language Affects Children's Learning and most recently: Opening Minds: Using Language to Change Lives. Born and raised in New Zealand, Dr. Johnston brought his gifted mind to Albany where he has received numerous awards for his work in literacy and where he collaborated with Dr. Richard Allington, publishing articles and books. Attached is the registration flyer (3 hrs. of CTLE credit awarded). Join us on November 7th from 4:30-7:30 pm at St John Fisher!
NYSRA Conference - Empowering Striving Readers, November 14-16, Albany, NY - This year's New York State Reading Association conference is right around the corner. See the attached flyer with details or go to the conference webpage at https://www.nysraconference2019.org/.
We encourage you to share any and all of this information with colleagues and invite your peers to consider becoming a member of our organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can email us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org.We hope to see you at the November event!
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020
Rochester Area Literacy Council
September 11, 2019
Dear Present and Past Members of the Rochester Area Literacy Council,The 2019-2020 school year is now underway and we are very excited about the calendar of events Rochester Area Literacy Council (RALC) has to offer. Please see the attachments to find out more about membership and the incredible "line-up" of speakers and activities highlighting best practices in literacy.
Membership: It is our hope that you will renew your membership for 2019-2020. If you renew now, you can take advantage of our early bird special and/or group membership opportunity. Your renewed RALC membership will extend from the current date until June 30, 2020.
September Event - Launching the Literacy Learning: Come hear Dr. Jevon D. Hunter from the State University of New York, Buffalo State, present "Nurturing Fighting Words: Teaching at the Intersection of Culturally Relevant Instruction and Literacy." We believe this is a timely and important topic for educators K-12.
October Event - Members' Event: Are you looking for books to engage your students? This free members’ event will inspire you to inspire your students to read more. Cindy Schwind, a district interventionist in the Greece School District, will share her best book selections and strategies to engage students. See the flyer for the details. The menu will go up on our website soon as well.
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published!
We encourage you to share any and all of this information with colleagues and invite your peers to consider becoming a member of our organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our organization. You can email us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org.We hope to see you at the end of September!
Christine Treasure
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020
Rochester Area Literacy Council
Dear Present and Past Members of the Rochester Area Literacy Council,The 2019-2020 school year is now underway and we are very excited about the calendar of events Rochester Area Literacy Council (RALC) has to offer. Please see the attachments to find out more about membership and the incredible "line-up" of speakers and activities highlighting best practices in literacy.
Membership: It is our hope that you will renew your membership for 2019-2020. If you renew now, you can take advantage of our early bird special and/or group membership opportunity. Your renewed RALC membership will extend from the current date until June 30, 2020.
September Event - Launching the Literacy Learning: Come hear Dr. Jevon D. Hunter from the State University of New York, Buffalo State, present "Nurturing Fighting Words: Teaching at the Intersection of Culturally Relevant Instruction and Literacy." We believe this is a timely and important topic for educators K-12.
October Event - Members' Event: Are you looking for books to engage your students? This free members’ event will inspire you to inspire your students to read more. Cindy Schwind, a district interventionist in the Greece School District, will share her best book selections and strategies to engage students. See the flyer for the details. The menu will go up on our website soon as well.
Publishing Project - This year's theme is So Runs The River which can be treated as a metaphor, allegory, myth, fable/folktale, essay or story that streams from beginning to end. It's never too early to get your students' creative juices flowing for this opportunity to have their writing published!
We encourage you to share any and all of this information with colleagues and invite your peers to consider becoming a member of our organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our organization. You can email us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website - rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org.We hope to see you at the end of September!
Christine Treasure
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020
Rochester Area Literacy Council
August 12, 2019
Dear Present and Past Members of the Rochester Area Literacy Council,
The 2019-2020 school year is fast approaching and it will prove to be an exciting and eventful year for the Rochester Area Literacy Council (RALC). We have an incredible "line-up" of speakers and activities to engage all of you in meaningful learning around best practices in literacy.
In an effort to 'wet your whistle' and start your planning for the school year, I am sharing with you our membership information as well as the flyer for our September kick-off event. More information will be forthcoming at the beginning of September when we're all back in full swing.
Membership: It is our hope that you will renew your membership for 2019-2020. If you renew now you can take advantage of our early bird special and/or group membership opportunity. Your renewed RALC membership will extend from the current date until June 30, 2020. We encourage you to share this information with colleagues and invite your peers to also consider becoming a member of our organization. Membership forms are attached to this message or you can access the forms at the following link - https://www.rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org/membership-forms.html
With your RALC membership you will have:
September Event - Launching the Literacy Learning: Come hear Dr. Jevon D. Hunter from the State University of New York, Buffalo State, present "Nurturing Fighting Words: Teaching at the Intersection of Culturally Relevant Instruction and Literacy." We believe this is a timely and important topic for educators K-12. The flyer is attached and soon this information will also be accessible on our website.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our organization. You can email us at [email protected].
Savor these summer days and we look forward to seeing you in September!
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020
Rochester Area Literacy Council
Dear Present and Past Members of the Rochester Area Literacy Council,
The 2019-2020 school year is fast approaching and it will prove to be an exciting and eventful year for the Rochester Area Literacy Council (RALC). We have an incredible "line-up" of speakers and activities to engage all of you in meaningful learning around best practices in literacy.
In an effort to 'wet your whistle' and start your planning for the school year, I am sharing with you our membership information as well as the flyer for our September kick-off event. More information will be forthcoming at the beginning of September when we're all back in full swing.
Membership: It is our hope that you will renew your membership for 2019-2020. If you renew now you can take advantage of our early bird special and/or group membership opportunity. Your renewed RALC membership will extend from the current date until June 30, 2020. We encourage you to share this information with colleagues and invite your peers to also consider becoming a member of our organization. Membership forms are attached to this message or you can access the forms at the following link - https://www.rochesterarealiteracycouncil.org/membership-forms.html
With your RALC membership you will have:
- Automatic membership in the New York State Reading Association (NYSRA)
- Discounted rates on events/speakers/workshops provided by RALC and NYSRA
- Special “members only” events
- Subscriptions to the Reading Scene & the Language and Literacy Spectrum
- Participation in community service projects that promote literacy
- Networking/sharing instructional practices and friendship with respected educators in Rochester and New York State
September Event - Launching the Literacy Learning: Come hear Dr. Jevon D. Hunter from the State University of New York, Buffalo State, present "Nurturing Fighting Words: Teaching at the Intersection of Culturally Relevant Instruction and Literacy." We believe this is a timely and important topic for educators K-12. The flyer is attached and soon this information will also be accessible on our website.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our organization. You can email us at [email protected].
Savor these summer days and we look forward to seeing you in September!
Christine Treasure
President 2019-2020
Rochester Area Literacy Council